Sunday 22 March 2015

Nigerian politics and the way forward

hello everyone....its that time of our lives as nigerians when our politicians will not let us drink water and drink cup, they will not let us be with their promises that is becoming so repetitive that you start to wonder if they can't come up with new lies like " when I become governor I promise to pay every certified indigene of my state a stipend every month"....that would be the mother of all lies, not because it's not possible, but because you as the electorate was never the mandate, we're only the means to an end, a gateway to unfathomable riches...we are the magas!!

    Being repeatedly dissappointed has not even galvanised or shamed any of them into breaking the mould, instead the farthest they can go is build sub-standard roads that can't even withstand a single rainy season. We only have to look at the rhetorics, mudslinging campaign against each other and the surge in criminal activities during elections to decipher the kind of individuals who wants to occupy positions of massive responsibility and then you start to wonder why this ugly trend has refused to end.

    Nigeria is a very rich country financially, but that is not where our greatest wealth lies...our greatest wealth lies in our number, our population is so evenly distributed that even in the coming years we will still posess a youthful populace, that to me is a GOLDMINE which rather unfortunately is being left to rot, we get an idea of how myopic our current crop of politicians are when we take a look at the ever growing queues at foreign embassies.
   Im of the belief that there is a way and it'd nothing short of a miracle to do belief is that if our political positions can be made to be less  lucrative then most probaby we will have well meaning nigerians vying for positions of authority in a dignified manner, we won'thave square pegs in round holes, we'd have our monies being distributed and put to good use...the merits are limitless

I sincerely pray for aigeria we can all be proud of....

Monday 7 October 2013

In the name of God??

It is fair to say that the underlying factors in most of the major conflicts that has engulfed and laid waste to every corner of our globe is "GOD".
According to wikipedia "religion is an organized collection of beliefs, cultural systems and world views that relate humanity to an order of existence'', but the fact is there are probably as many definitions for the term ''religion'' as there religions.
There are about 21 major world religions today and i use the word major because there are myriad of other religions practised by a smaller number of people as compared to the major religions that have huge numbers  of people adhering to it's principles.
Each and every one of this religions possess their own narratives, symbols and histories that are intended to explain the meaning of life or the origin of life. Most of the world's view on morality and ethics are culled from many religious precepts irrespective of where such laws bind and that brings to the fore the common factor among these religions. these religions all acclaim a supreme being as the creator or the origin of all life but they have different ways of worshipping the creator.
So coming back to the differences in these religions that brings about war and bloodshed, i use as an example   different conflicts in different time frames pitching one religion against the other and my first example will be the CRUSADES.

The CRUSADES were a series of holy wars waged from the year 1095 to 1291 by the christians against the moslems as a result of the moslems occupying several sites that are considered holy and integral to the their beliefs (christians)...the exact number of deaths during this wars remain a mystery but i'm of the school of thought that insists that even if it were only a single life lost over our incapacity to make space in our minds to accomodate but not neccessarily accept the beliefs of others, it would still be considered too high a price to pay.
Bringing my thoughts back to our present time, wars abound in Afghanistan, eastern europe, north africa, and west africa and they have one major catalyst....extremist islamic groups supposed to be fighting for God by waging war on members of other religious groups and referring to them as ''infidels'' and calling themselves the ''mujahideen''. The news is filled with bombings, beheadings and suicide attacks carried out by them in different parts of the world and i wonder aloud, would the creator of all life rather one lived for his beliefs or die for them???

In present day Nigeria an extremist islamist group known as "Boko Haram" ongoing war against western education and the core values of which our society is based on has claimed untold number of lives and having gone through their propaganda which i find simply appaling. Included among their agenda is an unfettered bias against the female sex and i ask again, does the Creator have separate laws for the male and female sex??....does the creator prefer one over the other??.
I pose this question to anyone who reads this, ''how many more must die in the name of GOD??
The mad man has spoken......PEACE!! 

Friday 4 October 2013

evil does pay

This is basically my first post and my first shot at writing on a blog but i can assure whoever stumbles across my blog that my opinions on this blog are solely mine and most probably not thought through, im making no apologies for that.
At this moment i want to wonder at the unfortunate events that happened a few days back when a plane crashed conveying the corpse of the late Agagu.....i think he was governor of  one of the western states, whether we like it or not, the supernatural exists, and i dont care if i'm labelled superstitious as a result of my opinion but i find it ridiculously mind blowing that a plane carrying his body willfully refused to take off and crashed into a nearby building taking the lives of twenty person on board as at the time of the event....this is Nigeria and i personally hold the opinion  that most of our politicians are occultists who indulge in human sacrifices for protection and success in elections and that also explains the reasons why nobody with good intentions for our beloved country has ever stepped up to even campaign.....such person cannot rely on physical protection alone.....
I will never have a good opinion of nigeria's politician whether they are alive or dead so i'll wonder if the late politician wanted to go to the afterlife in ancient egyptian style with his wife and son among other family members rumored to be among the dead.......
If this is God's warning to our politicians and their immediate family that they will pay for their sins even beyond the grave.....its a warning they shouldn't ignore.....the mad man has spoken!!